1888 Kalakaua Ave 1200 Honolulu Hawaii 96815 · Project: Waikiki Landmark · Subdivision: Waikiki · Taxkey: 1-2-6-14-39-40
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MLS changes
MLS# DateFromToAcres LandA-ListA-SellDOMList PriceB-ListB-SellSold
9823720 ListStatus12/6/1992IncommingActive 0.000 #CAS 0 379,000 DELOFC 379,000
9823720 ListStatus12/6/1992ActiveExpired 0.000 #CAS 342 379,000 DELOFC 379,000
9897979 ListStatus10/29/1996IncommingActive 0.000 2488 0 90,200 RLXB 90,200
9897979 ListStatus10/24/1997ActiveExpired 0.000 2488 366 189,000 RLXB 189,000
9801099 ListStatus12/15/1997IncommingActive 0.000 16729 0 188,000 CBPP06 188,000
9801099 ListStatus12/15/1998WithdrawnExpired 0.000 16729 366 188,000 CBPP06 188,000
9823720 ListStatus12/22/1998IncommingActive 0.000 6725 0 179,000 LOCA 179,000
9823720 ListStatus2/8/1999ActiveWithdrawn 0.000 6725 48 179,000 LOCA 179,000
9902079 ListStatus5/11/1999IncommingActive 0.000 20230 0 179,000 CBIR 179,000
9902079 ListStatus12/14/1999ActiveTemporarily withdrawn 0.000 20230 218 179,000 CBIR 179,000
2003749 ListStatus4/25/2000IncommingActive 0.000 20230 0 169,000 CBIR 169,000
2003749 ListStatus6/7/2000ActiveWithdrawn 0.000 20230 44 169,000 CBIR 169,000
2009351 ListStatus9/25/2000IncommingActive 0.000 17683 0 159,000 NOH 159,000
2009351 ListStatus10/7/2000ActivePending 0.000 17683 12 159,000 NOH 159,000
2009351 ListStatus9/25/2001PendingExpired Pending 0.000 17683 0 159,000 NOH 159,000
2206773 ListStatus7/5/2002IncommingActive 0.000 24509 0 175,000 CBPP06 175,000
2206773 ListStatus8/28/2002Continue to showSold 0.000 24509 22157 17 170,000 CBPP06 CBPP06 170,000
1010137 ListStatus8/2/2010IncommingActive 0.000 298761 390,000 ELIT 0
1010137 ListStatus10/25/2010ActiveWithdrawn 0.000 2987685 390,000 ELIT 0

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If you are already working with an agent, please contact them directly for more information on this Tax Map Key.
Otherwise, contact:
Robin Glass, (R), PB, MBA
Hawaii Home + Commercial LLC
☎ 808-358-1774
